Thursday, November 11, 2010

what dustin thinks of my blog

not so high fashion on an not so high budget (otherwise known as the ramblings of a starving college student in love, with some nice clothes on the side)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Wish List

I've been trying to control what I buy this year, but when I do finally relapse into my shopaholic ways, these will be my first purchases:

sewing machine
bgirl/hip hop clothes
nude heels
red heels
blue shoes
cute, warm winter hat
holga camera
fisheye camera

Monday, August 23, 2010

Fall 2010 Plan

goals, dreams, things that need to get done, things i hope to get done.
()get healthy
()healthier skin
()healthier hair
()eat healthy
()do well in school (4.0, here i come! not. :P)
()figure out my major/minors/career/general direction in life, hahaha
()get involved with more extracurriculars
()Put God first
()pray every day
()read the Bible every day
()go to church every week
()become a neat/clean/organized person, starting with my room
()make new friends
()deepen old relationships
()sustain my LDR
(X) learn how to read/write Chinese (traditional)
() improve my Taiwanese
() blog/write
() post on lookbook
() learn how to fix cars
() learn how to do flower arrangements
() learn how to rap
() self-reflect
(X) sew
() bgirl/hip hop
(Impossible Dreams-ish

Thursday, June 24, 2010

a sigh of relief

there is something horribly uncomfortable about being bored. it is not quite the lack of things to do, but the things i do do while i am bored. the mindless hours of tv, internet, and phone, the sleeping, the napping, the snacking. that isn't the worst of it. the worst is when you are left with nothing but your own thoughts. i'm not saying the thoughts themselves are terrible, but the fact that you have nothing but your own thoughts is. why, you ask? well, there is no one to give you feedback, i suppose, no one to bounce ideas off of or to challenge your thinking. i have nothing against self-reflection, don't get me wrong, i think it's a very beneficial exercise that everyone should engage in at least once a year. but how beneficial can that self-reflection be unless you truly take a critical eye to yourself, and how much easier would it be for those closest to you to point out to you what they see? you may not agree with what others say, but they must have a reason for perceiving you the way they do. whether or not their perception is correct is irrelevant, the only matter is that such a perception exists and what you will do to change it.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Summer 2010 Plan

() learn how to read/write Chinese (traditional)
() improve my Taiwanese
() blog/write
(X)read the Bible
(X) post on lookbook
() learn how to fix cars
() self-reflect
(X) figure out classes/major
(X) sew
() bgirl/hip hop
() travel narrative
(X) learn how to cook from my Dad
() create a fashion style for my bff
Impossible Dreams-ish
Taiwan Summer 2010
() clubbing
(X)Room 18
()eating(this list is not even close to exhaustive)
() Korean BBQ
(X) Roasted Corn
(X) sushi
(X) mango (chua bing, bing sha, fresh...)
(X) Ding Tai Fong
() moo gua niu nai
() spa day with Jessi
() massages
(X) sticker pictures
(X) hair cut
(X) lots of shopping....lots.

And things I didn't plan on doing, but ended up doing
getting stung by a bee
getting burned by a girl's cigarette
falling in love
harvesting rice
meeting Amy
losing weight
eating tons of froyo
almost performing for the Vice President of Taiwan
kissing on stage in front of 400 people
watching Inception and Despicable Me and a whole bunch of other movies (i'm not a movie person)
setting off fireworks in Taoyuan and the police coming to see what the commotion was about
living in the (relatively) rural Jhongli and surviving

Monday, May 3, 2010

impossible dreams

you know those careers that your Asian parents don't really consider careers but you've always secretly wanted to try? if this life weren't so focused on money, on the needs of life than living life, there are a few careers I'd want to try out: acting, modeling, singing, dancing, and fashion design.
Acting-when I was a freshman, we had to present a scene from Romeo and Juliet. I was still breaking out of my shell, still introverted, yet I somehow managed to get the "Best Actress" award while playing a man, Lord Capulet. I had the weirdest costume...I'm sure it involved ballet slippers and a Mexican bean vest. Sadly, I haven't really done much acting since unless it's for class.
Modeling-I actually got my parents agree to let me try out for America's Next Top Model Petite Cycle, but I wasn't 18 in time for the auditions :(. I also made it through one round of Miss Teen New Hampshire, but didn't pursue it further. I simply think modeling would be fun, but then again, it probably is a lot more pressure-intensive than I dream it up to be. The obvious problem, though, is my 5'1'' stature, something that I cannot alter.
Singing-I have a tumultuous relationship with singing. While I enjoy singing, I cannot sightsing or harmonize or really even follow a piano. One of the several regrets in my life is not learning how to play piano properly. I say properly because my mother was my piano teacher, and as a result, I despised the piano and purposefully never learned it correctly. Now I can't ever really sing beyond serenading people on the MRT in Taipei or in the shower.
Dancing-So this is probably the most impossible of the four, simply because the last time I had real dance training was when I was eight and did ballet when every little second-grade girl did ballet. Add to that my clumsy body, and that makes for one impossible dream, but a dream, nonetheless.
Fashion Design-This is probably the most possible of the impossible (possibly impossible? impossibly possible?) I've always been into clothing, shopping, shoes, handbags at one point...I've liked going through closets and helping people put outfits together. None of this, I realized this semester, can really help me to become a fashion designer. I can't draw for my life, nor do I have enough creativity to design. Also, if I learned nothing else from my Fashion Design class this semester, I realized that sewing machines and I are not friends.

What are your impossible dreams?

Sunday, April 18, 2010

childhood dreams

so a recent gchat conversation with Alex reminded me of this thought: as a child, whenever I'd travel with my dad, we would rent a car and just drive by all these homes, and when i was little, i wondered what it would be like to live the life of the people inside. like what if i lived a sort of "day in the life" of every person? i must have been such a strange child to have thoughts like this. my mother always said i had a unique way of thinking. or did she say i didn't think like anyone else? i forget....hmmmm. new creative non-fiction piece? i think so........