Monday, August 23, 2010

Fall 2010 Plan

goals, dreams, things that need to get done, things i hope to get done.
()get healthy
()healthier skin
()healthier hair
()eat healthy
()do well in school (4.0, here i come! not. :P)
()figure out my major/minors/career/general direction in life, hahaha
()get involved with more extracurriculars
()Put God first
()pray every day
()read the Bible every day
()go to church every week
()become a neat/clean/organized person, starting with my room
()make new friends
()deepen old relationships
()sustain my LDR
(X) learn how to read/write Chinese (traditional)
() improve my Taiwanese
() blog/write
() post on lookbook
() learn how to fix cars
() learn how to do flower arrangements
() learn how to rap
() self-reflect
(X) sew
() bgirl/hip hop
(Impossible Dreams-ish